Pharma Observer Magazine by PGA

Pharma Observer Magazine by PGA

Pharma Observer Magazine is an online magazine for the enhancement of Pharmacists and other Healthcare Professionals.  The magazine is launched as an effort for better health and keeping pharmacists and all healthcare professionals in touch with their fast changing profession. The magazine comprises of articles, news, researches, new and upcoming drugs and many other sections to help increase the knowledge and skills. 

Who Reads Our Magazine ?

Pharma Observer Magazine is read by the top class Health Professionals and related communities of Pakistan, particularly in the Pharmaceuticals and Food industries, Government and private Hospitals, pathological labs, as well as universities, libraries and other healthcare organizations working for the betterment of pharmacy and healthcare in Pakistan and across the globe.

Who Writes Our Magazine Contents ?

Pharma Observer Magazine has a panel of distinguished writers who contribute valuable articles on different subjects. Our magazine is headed by one of the top faculties of pharmacy institutions in Pakistan and working bodies who are currently serving in educational and professional environments in Pakistan and across the globe. This assures the integrity of this magazine’s contents and authenticity of the articles published in it.